The Wooden Nickel Page 11
Cliff nodded, remembering the ridiculous lengths Lily would go to hurt others, even family, just for a cheap thrill. He was amazed that she was so mean as a little girl.
“She’s not in love with me, Louise and I’m definitely not in love with her.”
“Are you sure?” Louise asked shyly. Louise knew how beautiful Lily was and she had always felt so plain and common in her presence.
Cliff looked at her like she was crazy, scrunching up his forehead and cocking his head like a dog. “Are you sick or something, Louise? What’s gotten into you? Now stop talking nonsense. You know how in love I am with you. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. No one could ever compare to you, baby doll.”
Oh, my, he’d called her a woman. She thought she might faint. Just the word made her light headed. Cliff was so romantic when he wanted to be. If Louise ever needed reassuring, he would sure enough do it right away and in a way that would make you want to swoon.
“Oh, Cliff, you always know how to make me feel better when I’m thinking the worst,” Louise whispered into his ear after planting a kiss on his neck.
Cliff smiled his whole smile for her, flashing her with those teeth of his. “Baby, you have no reason to ever fear the worst. Not with me. Not ever.”
“I love you, Cliff.”
“I love you, too, Louise,” he replied, looking down into her soft, blue eyes.
“Come on, they’re playing our song. Promise me something?”
“Anything,” Louise answered as they made their way back to the dance floor.
“No more dances with anyone but me. I didn’t like watching Tad dancing with you.”
“Were you jealous?”
“Extremely,” Cliff whispered into her head of bouncing curls.
Louise beamed as he took her into her arms, twirling her around and around on the dance floor. Cliff looked for Lily and finally saw her dancing with Tad, laughing gaily, tossing her dark head back, exposing that white neck that Cliff wanted to break in two so badly. Maybe leaving on his next assignment would be a good thing. Cliff hoped it would give Lily time to cool off and sink her claws into some other unsuspecting fellow.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” Cliff asked as the song ended.
“Why, yes, I believe you did. Did I tell you how unbelievably handsome you are tonight?”
“You didn’t have to,” Cliff answered haughtily, drawing her closer to him, kissing her earlobe.
The thought struck him that while he wanted to wring Lily’s neck, he wanted to simply devour her younger sister’s.
“Cliff, I do believe you’re a complete snob,” Louise whispered into his ear.
He could feel every tiny hair quiver within his ear as her breathy whispers sent chills through him. The thought of leaving her left a pit at the bottom of his stomach.
“I can’t help but feel superior.”
“And why is that?” she asked as the sweet scent of her wound around his brain and traveled languidly to his beating heart.
Cliff leaned over her ear and nibbled at the silver heart that dangled invitingly off of her ear lobe. “Because I have you, my sweet cupcake.”
Louise laughed as he kissed her ear softly. She could feel his hot breath and practically see his straight, white teeth as they bit into the soft skin of her hairline.
“There you go comparing me to food again,” Louise sighed, realizing it was useless. Cliff was hungry and if she was his choice for dessert, she could hardly complain. Come to think of it, she was ravenous herself. She was beginning to understand his craving for a certain delicacy. She couldn’t think of any other set of teeth that would look more dazzling taking a bite out of her and she herself wanted to take a nibble or two and taste what lingered beneath the boyish charm.
She had never wanted anything more in her entire life. Actually, the craving for food could hardly compare. There was a need that lurked beneath the surface. Something within her needed to be fed and the thought of going hungry for it drove her mad. Was it wrong to want a man so much and at such a young age? But she was nearly seventeen now and Cliff was almost twenty. Oh, she wasn’t sure at all what it’d be like, but she guessed it would be somewhere far beyond glorious and more magnificent then she could ever hope to imagine in her dreams.
“I have to tell you something, baby.”
“Hmm?” Louise asked, as they swayed softly to a slow song. She had been lost in thoughts of him and where their love would lead. Cliff hated to do it, but he and Bill had agreed that he would leave in a week.
“Your father has given me a new assignment.”
“Oh? What will you write about this time?” Louise asked, as her head rested on his broad shoulder.
“The war in Europe.”
Cliff waited, but Louise didn’t move or say a word. “Louise? Did you hear me?”
Louise nodded, but still said nothing.
“I’ll have to travel there, honey. I could be gone for months.”
Louise nodded again. She had suspected as much. She had heard her parents talking one night while she was in bed. Her mother didn’t want her father to send Cliff overseas, but he insisted it would be a wonderful experience and besides, Cliff was the best writer on staff.
Louise lifted her head and looked at Cliff. Suddenly he seemed older and he looked scared. Louise had tears in her eyes and when she blinked, one of them dripped off of her lashes and slid down her cheek.
“I know,” was all she said. Cliff wiped the tear off of her jaw, before it fell.
His face conveyed total surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was hoping that it wasn’t true or that it’d go away,” Louise explained.
“How’d you find out?”
“I heard my parents talking about it one night. My mother thinks it’s too dangerous. Father swears it’s not and that you’ll be far away from the actual fighting. What part of Europe will you be staying in?”
“Bill wants me to go to Austria first.”
Louise thought it sounded odd for Cliff to refer to her father by his first name and it made her realize how grown up Cliff was and that he really did have a job to do, other than being her boyfriend.
“I’ll be terribly worried.”
“I know, sugar, but I promise, if it gets too bad over there, I’ll come home.”
“Does Pa agree?”
“Of course. You have to understand that he is still a newspaper man and he’s after the best story.”
“I know, but why does my boyfriend have to be the one to get it?”
“Cause I’m the best,” Cliff added, winking at her.
Louise rolled her eyes. “Oh, brother. This is all going to your head. Doesn’t Pa have anyone else to send?”
“Not too many reporters want to go overseas. Since Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and enacted the Nuremberg Laws, stripping the Jews of their civil rights, all of Europe has been watching closely. It’s become very volatile.”
“You aren’t making me feel any better about this,” Louise added.
“I’m sorry, but really, honey. I won’t be interviewing Hitler himself. I’ll be checking in at the embassy. It’s the same as being on American soil.”
“Somehow I doubt that.”
“Well, it’s safer at least. I have somewhere to turn to if I get into trouble or need help of any kind.”
Louise was suddenly angry at her father. “What kind of trouble? I don’t like this Cliff. Not at all. Who cares about the darn story if you’re dead?”
“Calm down, sugar. No one really knows what’s going on over there, so I’m going out there to report on it, that’s all.”
“That is not all, Cliff Emberton! There is a war going on and I don’t see how it’s fit that my father sends you out there just so his newspaper will sell more copies. I can’t believe he’d do this to me.”
“To you? He’s not doing this to you, Louise. He’s doing it to me and if I want to go, no one can stop me.”
Louise could hardly believe her ears. “What are you saying? Just because you want some adventure, you’re willing to risk your life?”
“It’s not about adventure.” Cliff paused. “Well, okay, maybe part of it is, but it will be good experience and it is my job and I love it. I promise, I’ll come back in one piece and we’ll be married by next summer.”
Louise smiled at the thought. But months overseas? She could hardly imagine it. She had seen Cliff every single day since the day he’d shown up in school and he borrowed a pencil and paper. She laughed at the thought.
“I wish I’d never loaned you that pencil and paper.”
“Why not?” he asked, surprised she’d say something so mean. For a second, she sounded like a silly little girl again and more like Lily than ever.
“Maybe you’d never been a great writer. I’d rather you be working on at the TVA like Hank. That was your plan in the first place. Don’t you want to join Hank? You could still make plenty of money.”
Louise was reaching and both of them knew it. Cliff shook his head slowly. “No, baby. I’m not suited for that kind of work, but Hank is great at it. Your father was right. I’m a natural when it comes to writing and I love it. I really do. I love interviewing people and they really are just as interesting as your father said they would be. There are so many great stories out there and just think of the stories I’ll bring home from Austria? World events are happening around us and I want to be a part of them.”
Louise knew it was futile to argue. He’d go regardless. “When do you leave?”
“A week from today.”
Louise’s eyes flew open wide. Why hadn’t he told her sooner?
“I’m sorry, baby. We weren’t keeping it from you. You’re father just decided for sure two days ago even though it’s been on his mind for a while.”
Cliff kissed her softly on the lips. “Don’t worry. Let’s enjoy what time we have left.”
Louise kissed him back with more fervor than she’d ever felt. She started recording every touch, every glance, every expression, every saying, every smile and filing them according to her favorite hues. Their time was ticking away and she vowed to make every minute worth it.
After the dance, Cliff drove Louise through town. He thought of taking her back to his place, but decided against it. He knew he’d be unable to control himself tonight and he wanted their first time to be special. Louise deserved the best and even if they had to wait until he returned from Europe, it would be worth it. He wondered if she’d even be ready yet and he wanted to wait, just to be sure the timing was perfect. Besides, his tiny bedroom at the newspaper was not the most romantic.
Louise suggested they drive by the lake and Cliff headed that way, thinking that the lake was quite a bit more romantic. On their way over there, he reminded himself to be a good boy, but the fragrance of her lavender milk bath mixed with her own femininity was nearly too much. His heart began speeding up as he turned onto the road that curled around the lake. They unrolled the windows and the cool night sifted through the car, smelling of winter wind and lake water. The lake was as smooth as glass and Louise pointed to the full moon that was mirrored in its calm waters.
“I love the smell of the lake,” Louise said as he curved around the lake.
“Me too,” Cliff replied as he passed a park.
“Remember when we used to come feed the ducks?”
Louise looked at him as he smiled in the darkness. “Yeah. Remember we threw out a few crumbs and it seemed like hundreds of them came flying onto shore?”
“Yeah. I couldn’t believe how much wind their flapping caused. I felt like I was caught in a tornado.”
“Attack of the killer ducks,” Cliff said with a laugh.
“We never fed them again, did we?” Louise asked.
“Nope, sure didn’t. I guess those birds were mighty hungry back then, just like everybody else around here. I guess the drought caused half of them to starve to death.”
“Well, I’m glad that’s practically over. It seems like things are getting a sight better for the country, don’t you think?”
“I reckon so. They sure enough have for my family anyways. Heck, five years ago, we had practically nothing. If it weren’t for your Pa, I don’t know what we’d have done.”
“Well, I know Pa helped you out a lot by getting you both jobs and all, but I can’t help but think that you are sure smart enough to get by anyhow. Even if Pa hadn’t helped you, you would have come out fine and gotten a good job. Heck, anybody would love to have you working for them, on account of you being such a hard worker. Pa says you’re the best reporter he’s ever seen and a very talented writer, too,” Louise bragged.
“Thank you, honey. You don’t have to say that.”
“I’m saying it cause I mean it,” Louise stated plainly.
“Ah, I know, honey, but I don’t know how your Pa could’ve known I was a good writer. He’d never seen me write a thing in my life. He just believed in me is all and I tried hard not to disappoint him. That scared me more than anything.”
“Really?” Louise asked.
“Yep. I guess I didn’t want to disappoint you either. Really, I care more what you think than your Pa, though I care a powerful lot about what he thinks, too.”
Louise was touched by what he’d said. “I hope you know that even if you weren’t a fancy reporter, I’d love you. I fell in love with you the instant you handed me that wooden nickel.”
Cliff pulled over to a parking area and shined his headlights onto the still waters. “Really?”
“Oh, yes! And when you smiled at me, I just thought I might melt on the spot!”
Cliff twirled a blonde curl around his index finger as he looked at her, unable to believe that they would have to part in seven days, separated by three thousand miles of ocean.
“Well, I just thought of you as a thief, the moment I laid eyes on you,” Cliff replied.
“A thief? What in the world for?” Louise asked, knowing he had a clever answer and it was bound to be sweet, coming from Cliff.
“Cause you stole my heart, straight away.”
Louise smiled at him. Her laugh was so lyrical; he just had to kiss her. His hands were shaking again and he told himself not to go too far. Louise kissed him back and tried to memorize the way his lips caressed hers, covering them softly. She loved the way he seemed to taste her, savoring each kiss and the way he breathed her in and cradled her face like she were a delicate china doll. A slow heat coursed through her as his kisses grew hungrier and his tongue probed deeper. She loved the sounds he made, as if he thought she did taste as yummy as homemade ice cream. Louise scooted closer to him as the February chill began to seep into her bones.
“Are you cold, honey?”
Louise nodded as he started to turn the car back on and head home. Her hand stopped his. Cliff looked into her eyes, unable to believe she might be ready.
“No, let’s don’t go yet. Can’t we stay a while longer? This is so nice.”
“You aren’t too cold, sugar?”
Louise shook her head.
“Alright, then. Come closer. I’ll warm you up.” Cliff patted his lap knowing he was being brave, but Louise scooted right on top like it was an everyday thing. He was in heaven with her soft behind surrounded in plush velvet, cradled nicely on his lap. She giggled softly and kissed his neck. His trousers were suddenly too tight and he shifted a bit.
“I don’t know if this is such a great idea,” Cliff admitted as he took a sniff of her corsage.
“Oh, I’m perfectly warm now,” Louise replied innocently.
A groan escaped Cliff’s throat as he took her in his arms and kissed her again. Her breast grazed his chest. He longed to touch her beneath her velvet dress. Just the thought of touching her bare breast sent him reeling and he grew harder still. She shifted her weight and Cliff drew her closer to him, grabbing her by the waist and resting his hand on her leg. He caressed the satin stocking that clung
to her thigh and then he felt her garter belt that held it securely in place. He didn’t even remember doing it as his fingers automatically undid the hook. The stocking unrolled a bit as he laid his warm palm on her chilled leg.
Hot, honey seeped through Louise as he pulled her even closer, nearly crushing her corsage. The strong scent of roses and lavender filled his mind as he savored each long kiss, sucking slowly on her tiny tongue, drawing it in and out as if it were a lollipop. Louise gasped as her body molded to his. His large palm covered her thigh completely. He told himself not to move it an inch higher, but God how he wanted to. Louise whimpered as he devoured her lovely neck that smelled of powder and soap. Her dancing curls tickled and teased him. He let out a growl as he gave her a bear hug, trying desperately not to devour her at one sitting, but she hadn’t seemed to mind so far.
“I’m gonna miss you. I can’t imagine not seeing you every day,” Louise whispered between breathy kisses.
It was almost painful for Cliff to pull himself away from her kisses, just to respond. “I know, darlin’. I’ll be awfully lonely, but I promise, we’ll get married this summer and I’ll never leave your side again.”
Louise sighed as he nibbled at her neck and his hand caressed her thigh, forcing the hot, molten honey through her veins once more. “Why can’t we get married before you leave?” Louise whined.
Cliff’s head popped up, his hair a mess and plastered across his face was one of those amazing smiles of his. “Are you serious, Louise?”
Louise nodded frantically, suddenly excited, feeling as though she’d discovered a pot of gold. “Why not? My parents have already given us their blessing and besides, I wouldn’t want you falling in love with someone more exotic than me.”
Cliff laughed and threw his head back at the thought. “You are very silly, Louise. No one could possibly be more exotic than you and I could never love another woman.”
“What if you met a very sophisticated French woman? I hear the French are very romantic,” Louise added.
“No, thank you. I’m very happy with my American girl. I don’t care what they say about the French. Not one of them could be half as sexy as you,” Cliff said as he pulled her closer and kissed her with an urgency that made her think of the time.